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  • All-Ukrainian Innovation Ecosystem "Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine" (SCU) is an open innovation ecosystem that unites the country's institutions interested in the development of the Ukrainian innovation economy: universities, research institutions, state authorities, local authorities, business companies, foundations, and NGOs.
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    The organizer of the interaction of these participating institutions is the Innovative Ecosystem "Sikorsky Challenge" of Igor Sikorsky KPI (hereinafter – Sikorsky Challenge KPI), which is formally established by signing Memoranda / Agreements between SCU member institutions and legal entities of Sikorsky Challenge KPI: NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" and/or Innovation Holding "Sikorsky Challenge" LLC and/or Science Park "Kyivska Polytechnika" Corporation.
    Vision: the Innovation Ecosystem "Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine" is a model and driver of high-tech innovative development of Ukraine's economy.

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